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Viva La Menta

We're always trying to integrate ingredients from the farmers who sell near us at the South Anchorage Farmers Market and the APU Farmers Market.

Right beside us at APU is Ba-lescas Brothers Family farm, supplier of the fresh mint for our Mint Fleck ice cream and our Hibiscus Mint sorbet.

Soledad holds the bunch of fresh mint.

One thing I love about the Ba-Lescas stand is that they always are bringing out new herbs and vegetables to introduce Alaskans to, especially ones from their home country, Mexico, that they manage to grow up here. Last week, I heard them teaching someone about epazote--an herb commonly used in black bean dishes--and ultimately selling it.

Our Mint Fleck flavor wins over even the die-hard mint ice cream haters ("Mint has no place in ice cream," one of them told us once, before trying it, that is). Ours has a completely different taste from the artificially-colored tubs sold commercially. By steeping mint in our cream mix, we can extract a clean, sweet taste, totally fresh and minty. Then we swirl in dark chocolate flecks and squiggles, not enough to overpower the mint, but just enough for texture and choco-craving satiation.

We'll have more Mint Fleck this week -- try it while it lasts!

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