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Artist Spotlight: Emily McGee

We are thrilled to welcome Emily McGee to our Midtown Art Wall for the month of February! Her paintings will remind you of the beauty of Alaska throughout the seasons. Emily is a fourth generation Alaskan and has lived in the state her whole life. Growing up, her downtime often included arts and crafts. Beginning in high school, Emily pursued art more seriously, then after college, she explored art as a second profession.

This collection was inspired by careful observation. Emily explained, “I was raised to slow down and pay attention to the little details around me. Whether it’s in the scenery or in the atmosphere I’m in. Being raised in Alaska, the landscape has a lot of details to get lost in, the inspiration that drives me to create art.” This collection is all acrylic, as Emily finds it “easy to manipulate and fun to be messy with.” She did dabble in pen drawings and pastel chalk and hopes to get back into that one day.

One of Emily’s favorite spots in Alaska is Homer, not just because of the overwhelming beauty, but because of personal ties. She also enjoys the many scenic spots the Turnagain Arm has to offer. “I challenge anybody who is obsessed with mountains or geometry to stare at the mountains and try and look for all the different angles the snow and the rocks and the different valleys make, my favorite pastime when I’m outside.”

Alaska Honeycomb is Emily’s favorite Wild Scoops flavor and her art will be up for the rest of the month. If you are interested in purchasing a piece, you can email her at You can check out her website here. Her Instagram is @emcgeeart.

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